In 2010, Trish Warren had the best year of her entire fitness career. With a new routine and redefined physique, The Black Mamba showed the world why she's among the best in the industry today, placing in the top 5 at the Fitness International and almost winning the 2010 New York Fitness show, before finishing her year with a third place finish at the 2010 Fitness Olympia, making her the third-best fitness competitor in the world right now. Heading into 2011, the only way for her to go at this point is up! Trish was very gracious to conduct an interview for the Save Fitness Now blog.
Trish Warren @ 2010 Fitness Olympia (Third Place)
Photo credit: RxMuscle |
Save Women's Fitness Now (SWFN): To start this interview, may you tell us a little bit about yourself.
Trish Warren: I am a very busy woman! I own Maximum Logistics, a full service freight forwarder. We handle freight for large companies, who ship worldwide and domestically. As many know, I am married to IFBB Pro Bodybuilder Branch Warren, and I am very involved with all of his contest preparation from cooking, filling website orders, and helping him manage his appearances and schedule. We also have our 15 year old nephew Trevor living with us! He was falling behind in school, so we decided to take the challenge and help him get back on track! He is an amazing athlete, so now I have homework duty and athletic events daily. On top of all of this Branch and I have been booked nearly every weekend for appearances. I have literally seen the whole world over the past 3 years! Between all of this I still find the time to do my routine, cardio, and workouts, it’s not always easy but I still manage to work it in to my day! My day begins very early, and ends very late!
SWFN: When and how did you get involved in fitness?
Trish: I have always had a passion for gymnastics, competing, and sports. I played every sport possible in high school, and went on to cheer in college. I began strength and conditioning training very early after suffering a complete knee reconstruction. After 2 years of cheering, I wanted to switch my focus to something else. I knew I could compete in the fitness category due to my background, so I hired a trainer to help me achieve my goals. My first competition was in 1999.
SWFN: What are your greatest accomplishments in your fitness career this far?
Trish: Being able to finally say I am top 3 in the World! I still can’t believe it!
SWFN: In your own mind, how has the sport of women’s fitness changes over the last decade?
Trish: I think the routines have changed from gymnastics type routine to a entertaining routine! Jen Hendershott helped to achieve this during her career, and it made the fitness girls think outside the box and become more creative! I think it is always interesting and fun to see who is going to come up with the most unique and memorable routines!
SWFN: Early in your career, you competed in figure. Now you’re in fitness. What made you decide to make the change?
Trish: I competed a lot from 1999 to 2004, which took a tole on my knees. I had surgery on my left knee, and my right was getting very weak. I wanted to still compete but needed to let my body rest. I asked Jim Manion if I could compete in figure for that year, and he approved it for me. Once I felt like my body could sustain routine work again, I went back to fitness.
SWFN: How is it to be married to one of the top bodybuilders in the world, Branch Warren?
Trish: It is absolutely amazing! Branch and I had been friends for 6 years prior to dating. I always knew we would be great together but couldn’t bring myself to take the plunge. Once I gave finally gave in and went on a date with him, I knew he was my soul mate! We have an amazing marriage and help each other achieve goals that seem impossible! He is my best friend and I am blessed to have such a wonderful husband.
SWFN: To a lot of fans' eyes, you looked INCREDIBLE in 2009, in particular the Olympia. But the judges apparently didn’t see it that way, as you were next to last place, which had a few people…well, they weren’t happy with it, to put it nicely. Personally, how did you feel about it?
Trish: I was a bit disappointed but after listening to what the judges want, I totally understood why I placed 10th. I personally don’t like to be that muscular. I went home from there and began working on a new training strategy.
SWFN: You came in 2010 almost a brand new competitor, different physique and different routine. And so far, so good, as you placed 4th at the Arnold and 2nd at the New York Pro Fitness. Do you like your new look better, or is this something that you need time to adjust to?
Trish: I love the way I look now. I feel like I have my pre 20's physique back! I often get mistaken for my nephew’s older sister, and he is 15.
Trish @ her first Fitness International in 2009
Photo Credit: Ironman Magazine |
SWFN: It was mentioned on an interview with RxMuscle that you have stopped weight training altogether (yeah…weight lovers are hurting a bit. LOL). However, that doesn’t mean that you have stopped training intensely. From what I’ve seen, it looks like you train harder than you’ve ever done in your entire career! May you give us a breakdown of your new workout regimen?
Trish: I do train way harder. I incorporate a lot of routine sequences into my workouts. I am not strong on routine, so by adding these things in, it has helped my routines flow better. I am now doing all body weight exercises with plyometrics. I train to complete failure or for timed intervals. I normally do reps of 100-300 or 2-3 minutes with a short break in between.
(Editors's note: DANG, Trish is BEAST!!!)
SWFN: Personally, while both a great physique and great routine are very important in fitness, do you see one more importantly than the other?
Trish: Fitness is defined by a routine so I think the routines should be weighed heavier. I will say that I have to work my butt off to bring my routine up to a top 3 routine if I want to remain a top 3 competitor! I have began working on that challenge and I hope it shows come March.
SWFN: How did it feel to place in the top 3 at the Fitness Olympia this year (2010), and automatically qualify for the 2011 Fitness Olympia?
Trish: I still get chills thinking about it. I went into the Olympia hoping for a top 6 spot, and was blessed with 3rd. It has taken me so long to even get into the first callout much less become 3rd in the world! I am very greatful, but also know I have to keep working hard to stay at the top!
SWFN: Will you be preparing for the 2011 fitness season a bit different than your breakout year in 2010, or is it one of those “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” deals?
Trish: I have been working on new routine stuff since the Olympia in hopes to bring my routine up to match my physique. I normally wait until after the holidays to begin any type of routine training but the new changes have me a little worried! I always want to bring a better overall package when I step on stage! I think that with routines involved you always have to work on being better than your last performance.
SWFN: What would you do to improve the NPC/IFBB fitness division? Is there something you’re doing NOW to help improve the NPC/IFBB fitness division?
Trish: I think that by bringing back the mandatories and making the routines count double will help! I am encouraging a lot of new girls to try fitness this year. I train with them so they can see that even at my level we all deal with the same obstacles. I am also going to have workshops prior to the Ronnie Coleman and the Branch Warren to offer my knowledge and assistance to any athlete that has an interest in the fitness division.
SFN: Which fitness competitor from the past do you admire the most?
Trish: Suzie Curry, she in my opinion had it all! She was beautiful, had a tiny fitness body, and could rock the routine round! She was what fitness was all about, and she was a class act!
SWFN: For any woman that wants to be a fitness competitor someday, what advice would you give to them?
Trish: To realize that even the top pros struggle on their routines or physiques. It’s never too late to learn new things! Be willing to try something different! I had to completely change the way I train, and because I did it landed me a top 3 finish at the Olympia!
SWFN: After your competitive days are over, how would you like to give back to women’s fitness?
Trish: I will remain involved by promoting shows with Branch and always taking the time to offer assistance, or advise to any upcoming fitness girl! There is no dumb question, I understand that some girls do not have the knowledge that I do, and I want to help educate them so they too can achieve all of the fitness goals and dreams.
SWFN: Finally, How can people reach you if they ever want to get advice from you? (Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, personal website, etc.)
A new Trish in 2010, better than ever.
Photo credit: Ironman Magazine |
Once again, a big thanks to Trish for taking the time to do this interview for Save Women's Fitness Now. I know you have to be invited to compete in the Fitness International in March, but I think it's a safe bet that Trish will be getting an invite without any trouble whatsoever. Trish is looking to outdo 2010, and to be honest, I think she can do it. On behalf of Save Women's Fitness Now, we wish you nothing but the best of luck to ya, Trish!